Logistic Centre renders the following customs-broker services:

1.Registration of import and export cargo - customs declarations as well as customs documents on transit transportations.

2.Execution of documents on cargoes:

- Railway transportation:

a) Transit 80 SMG - customs document on transit cargoes;

b) SMGS – Railway Bill - accompanying document on export-import and transit cargoes for wagons of the gauge 1520 mm;

c) CIM - Railway Bill for wagons of the gauge 1435 mm;

d) Transit 80 CIM - customs document for transit cargoes, which follow by railway on the gauge 1435 mm;

e) TP - 80 ÇÒ - customs document on import cargoes.

 - Automobile transportations:

a) TIR CARNET - document on cargoes transported on conditions of  Convention ÌÄÏ;

b) ÑÌR- the international automobile waybill.

 - Combined (intermodal) transportations:

a) Registration of cargoes at combined export-import and transit transportations (wagon - automobile, automobile - automobile), in the customs and transport-forwarding direction.





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